I first met Jorja when she was only one-year-old and hanging of her mom’s hip. I started working with her older brother and sister. Flash forward about seven years, and I had the privilege of working with this curious and kind little girl. We had an instant and easy connection. We shared a birthday, a lot of positive energy, and a love for candy. Every session with Jorja was a special treat where I’d feel inspired by her work ethic as she struggled and then succeed in learning how to read (with dyslexia holding her back). Over time, she started to show more confidence and self-belief in herself and she maintained her optimism and grit. Flash forward (again) and today, this amazing beauty has now reached her sweet sixteen milestone. She’s interested in make-up and nails and also children. Looking toward the future, she is considering a career in these passions. She also loves to dance, where she has made life long friends and has shown real dedication to this form of self-expression. When I asked Jorja what she feels makes her special and unique, she talked about school and how hard it was for her to read, write, and…...

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