Photo cred: @jared_b I remember Maggie when she wore pigtails and hoodies. She was adorable and so kind – not a mean bone in her body. Never a fan of school, but always willing to try. I also remember when Maggie’s mom called me to work with Maggie, who was experiencing an intolerable amount of stress and anxiety, and opting for online learning. Now in high school and a full-fledged teenage, I wondered how she had lost her way. When I sat down with Maggie this week – whose adorability has morphed into sophistication and stunning beauty – she told me the answer to how she lost her way was really a combination of factors. “I was so focused on making sure everyone liked me all of the time, yet felt I wasn’t living in the real world – I was overly concerned about what others thought of me and in the process I forgot what I thought of me.” She told me it didn’t help that girls started to be mean to her and she really didn’t understand why. Also, she adds, “School was really hard and I’d feel self-conscious if I got called on by a teacher or…...

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