
To me, parenting seem to be the hard but good, beautiful but messy, worth-it-kind of work!

Parenting is the toughest job in the world. Yet, there is no such thing as perfect parenting. There is such a thing as growing and learning to do parenting with fresh tools and ideas.

A consultation is a one-hour opportunity to share your parenting journey details and unburden your worries, fears, and frustrations.

Then, together, we can sort and strategize problems, brainstorm ideas and solutions, and create a step-by-step action plan for you to try.


I love supporting girls and their parents and caregivers. If you are looking for some insights, ideas, and inspiration for raising a strong and confident girl, consider a consultation!

After 25 years of journeying alongside girls and their parents, I have some ideas for you and tried and true support strategies.

A consultation is a one-hour opportunity to share your parenting journey details and unburden your worries, fears, and frustrations.

Then, together, we can sort and strategize problems, brainstorm ideas and solutions, and create a step-by-step action plan for you to try.

There is no one way or right way to be a parent but we can discover YOUR WAY!

It’s my hope that after your consultation, you will feel heard and validated, encouraged, and supported, and empowered!


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