
Setting boundaries is hard. It is difficult to say, “no”, to disappoint others, and to ask for what you want and need. It is possible and requires growing girls to develop self-worth and self-respect, confidence, and assertiveness. Girls can set boundaries and boundary setting is a necessary part of their journey!


Let’s face it, setting boundaries is no easy task. Girls find it so difficult to consider what they really want, let alone ask for it. It’s hard for them to say, “no”, to say, “yes”, to disappoint people, to prioritize their time and needs, and to ask for what they most want and need. Yet, as girls learn to set boundaries, and sometimes borders, they start to know their needs matter, the begin to believe in their self-worth, and they can choose who and what to say, “yes” and “no” to. They learn how to choose what’s best and right for them, how to speak up and self-advocate, and how to respect and love themselves. 

In the Boundaries and Borders Course, she will learn:

  • What boundaries are and the difference between boundaries and borders
  • Why boundaries and borders matter so much
  • Why setting and keeping boundaries is so difficult
  • What gets in the way of setting and keeping boundaries
  • How to deal with boundary pushers
  • How to decide what they really, really, really want and need
  • Practice setting boundaries and dealing with disappointing others
  • How to set boundaries, speak up, speak out, and self-advocate as needed

Course Includes:

  • 1:1 lesson (60 minutes) with Power Point
  • Time for reflection, discussion, and Q & A
  • An activity/craft
  • Colourful handout(s) of key points and tools to try

More Details:

  • Courses are delivered either in person or via Zoom video conferencing (recorded)
  • Courses can be customized to meet girls (and their parents’) needs
  • Courses can be one-on-one or group (price to be adjusted based on numbers)
  • All girls, all ages, all abilities, all experiences, and all backgrounds welcome
  • After purchase, you will receive an email to register for the day/time you prefer

*Summer Empowerment Workshops are running from July 17 – August 31, between 9 am and 6 pm PST

*There are 11 workshops to choose from and you can register for just one, a few, or all of them!

For more information, please follow @BoldNewGirls or email: info@BoldNewGirls.com

To learn more about Bold New Girls, please follow @BoldNewGirls or visit About Bold New Girls!

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