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Helping your daughter or a young girl in your life can be a frustrating, challenging, and confusing experience. This is exactly why I offer consulting: to help you better understand her, to equip you with hot to connect with her in healthy ways (that help her growth, not hinder her growth), and to empower you to practice “periphery parenting” – giving her space to grow and make her own choices (and mistakes), yet still guiding her, assuring her you are there for her, and nurturing and championing her as she navigates these vital years.

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Also, I will meet you where you are at. I  will listen to your unique experiences and stories with interest and empathy and collaborate with you to consider different solutions and ideas to explore. I will provide you with ideas to try and remind you there is no blueprint when it comes to parenting. It really is you who knows your daughter best, you who is with her each and every day, and you who will best know what is working and what needs to change. I can also offer you a lot of reassurance that you are not alone and many parents struggle too and any insights I see that may help you feel inspired to change. If needed, I can also refer you to experts in other areas such as: licensed BC psychologists for psycho-educational and neuropsychological assessments, certified counsellors for therapy sessions, and various other educational specialists for additional support. I can always recommended books and resources to further support you on your journey.

Consulting Topics May Include:

  • Stress/Anxiety Management
  • Identity/Authentic Self
  • Body Image
  • Mental health and Wellness
  • Perfectionism
  • Procrastination
  • Motivation (or lack thereof)
  • Relationships
  • Peer Pressure
  • Screen Obsession/Addiction
  • Emotional Expression/Self-Regulation
  • Social Skills
  • Self-Management Skills
  • Life Tools
  • Bullying/Self-Advocacy
  • Study Tools and Preparation Techniques
  • Executive Functioning Skills
  • The Future/Dreams/Goals/Preparedness

Consultation Programs:

Now more than ever, I sense parents needing clear direction and compassionate guidance with their daughters. That is why I am now offering a comprehensive program for parents that can serve as a “road map” or action plan for her optimal growth. After a consultation and learning about your daughter: her strengths and interests as well as needs and areas of growth. I will create a plan that keeps in mind the essential, holistic aspects of her life: emotional, mental, social, physical, and spiritual. With the “whole girl” perspective, I can create the variety of ways you can support her and tools and technique to try. After a few weeks of practicing different ideas and methods, we will meet again to trouble shoot any problem areas and fine tune the plan to further meet your daughter’s specific needs.

For more information about consultations, email:

Consultations now offered via: in-person or Zoom video conferencing

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