
Girls today can be polite and pleasing but sometimes at the cost of their own wants, needs, and boundaries. Let’s teach our girls to decide who and what they need to say, “yes” and “no” to and then to use their voice!


Girls today can be pleasing and polite. They don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or risk being rejected. So, they say, “yes” when they mean, “no” or they say, “no” but mean “yes”. They have a hard time setting and keeping boundaries, asking for what they want and need, and advocating for themselves or others. They need to learn how to set boundaries and sometimes even borders.

This digital program is downloadable and allows you to start NOW.

The program includes:

  • A look at what boundaries and borders are
  • Why boundaries and borders matter
  • What gets in the way of setting and holding boundaries and borders
  • How she can set boundaries
  • How to help her be more body positive
  • More tips and tools
  • Positive messages and power statements
  • Additional resources

This program offers you the ideas, insights, and inspiration you may need to encourage her to set her boundaries!