
Educating growing girls on diet culture, diets, and healthy nutrition habits! Helping girls to discover a fresh approach to moving, fuelling, and feeling good!


Your daughter’s social media is likely filled with perfected, polished images, telling her what beautiful and healthy should look like and ad after ad with these catchy headlines: “5 foods that boost your metabolism” or “Try the overnight diet and drop 2 pounds”. The tough truth is this – whether she’s online or not quite there yet – she is already being influenced by diet culture – teaching her to feel something is wrong with her body, encouraging her to change, improve or “work on” her shape and size, and selling her the products to “help her” feel happier and healthier.

Girls today are dieting at younger and younger ages, weighing themselves, comparing their bodies to friends and influencers alike, and hating the skin they are in. What they are missing is: healthy nutritional advice and a body-positive mindset.

If you are like me, this is scary stuff and reason to help our girls know the facts, learn healthy habits, and love their unique shape and size.

This course has been designed to teach growing girls all about diets:

In the Dieting Damage Course, she will learn:

  • Diet culture – the damage and destructive beliefs and ideas and how toxic messages shape her
  • Popular diet trends – the upsides and downsides of each diet (and why diets don’t work)
  • The only “diet” she will ever need and the 5 principles of healthy eating
  • More than dieting – exploring body movement, strong mental health, and peace and acceptance with her body
  • Trouble shooting tricky situations when it comes to comparisons and peer pressure, body shaming and blaming, and those…awkward, sometimes avoidable moments

Course includes:

  • 1:1 lesson (90 minutes) with Power Point
  • Colourful handout(s) of key points and tools to try
  • Follow up video with additional ideas and inspiration

More details:

  • Courses are delivered via Zoom video conferencing (recorded) or in person
  • Courses can be customized to meet girls (and their parents’) needs
  • Courses can be one-on-one or group (price to be adjusted based on number)
  • All girls, all ages, all abilities, and all backgrounds welcome
  • After purchase, you will receive an email to register for the day/time you prefer

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