It is so easy for girls to make a mistake and then feel ashamed. Quickly and easily they can fall down the shame spiral – recalling every mistake they’ve ever made, criticizing themselves, and feeling terribly and alone. Would you like some quick ideas for how to help your growing girl out her shame spiral? First, teach her to meet herself where she is at: “I am feeling ashamed about XYZ and I will be here for myself in this moment (even though its so uncomfortable and I want to avoid it)”. Second, help her replace negative self-talk with positive self-talk. Instead of: “I always make mistakes”, try “I made a mistake and I also get a lot of things right. For example…”. Third, remind her that sharing her shame story – with kind and compassionate people – can help her to feel normal, human, and just like everyone else! Using these three ideas, she can work through her shame and become her happy, healthy, balanced, and beautiful self…. This content is for Growing Strong Girls Possibilities Boxes members only.Log In Register...

This content is for Growing Strong Girls Possibilities Boxes members only.
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