
Confidence is not something you are born with; confidence is a skill that requires your intention and attention to cultivate, nurture, and master. If you want to be a more confident version of yourself – filled with boldness, bravery, and self-belief, this guided journey and journal may be made for you!


I Got This is part of the Guided Journey and Journal series designed to help you build up and believe in your power and confidence. You are not born with confidence! Confidence is a skill that requires time and effort to cultivate and master. Confidence is within you and available to you. It’s also an unlimited resource. This guide will help you understand what confidence means, why confidence matters, what gets in the way of having confidence, and, of course, how to get started in becoming a much more confident you!

If you have ever doubted or questioned yourself, held back or hesitated, or felt the need to be “small” as to not out shine others, this guided journey is for you! I know how easy it is to feel that you are not meant for confidence or that your confidence will make others feel insecure and hurt. This simply is not true. You embracing your confidence is exactly what you and this world need!

The guide is filled with ideas and inspiration, quotations, journal prompts, and colourful images!

The I Got This Guide (digital copy) has been designed for girls and women who are 18+ years old and includes a hard cover I Got This journal (hard copy) for you to record your feelings, thoughts, challenges, concerns and, of course, the details of your confidence journey.

I hope this I Got This program empowers you to love yourself, just as you are now!

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